Just trade us $19 BEFORE THE TIMER HITS 0 and we'll give you our BEST PERFORMING ADS, EMAILS, & TOP-RATED, step-by-step facebook advertising course!
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By clicking the button above, you agree to authorize Billy Gene Is Marketing, Inc. to text and email you about their products and services (you’ll have the option to easily unsubscribe at any time). To find out more, please read our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy and review our Disclaimer of Liability here.
We've previously sold this course for $1,497! By the end of it you'll have the #1 skill-set that all entreprenuers need and will pay for... getting customers FAST and CHEAP! How do we do it? Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube advertisements. "Does it actually work?" Well, it got YOU here, didn't it? And you never click anything! Plus we have over 80,000 happy customers already! So, if want us to help you create profit-producing ads, like the one that got you here, then get this pack for only $19!
2. Billy Gene's GENEIUS Workbook:
A play by play guide of exactly what you need to do to create an ad that works and gets customers.
  • Not sure what to sell? Don't worry, we have a worksheet that will help you decide which one of your products or services is the easiest to sell online.
  • Have no idea who to show your ads to? We got you covered! We have a worksheet that will show you step-by-step how to find your ideal customer.
  • Confused on what type of advertisement to create? Relax! We have a worksheet that will help you decide what type of ad works best for your business (image, video, messenger, etc).
  • Clueless on what to say in your ads or how to say it? Guess what? We have a worksheet that helps you create ads that people want to read, watch, & buy from, and a bunch of examples.
3. Billy Gene's 5 Most Geneius Ads:
Get our tested and proven ads that we've used to build a community of over 80,000+ paying students in 75 different countries.
  • What happened when we promoted Facebook image ad? We sold over 20,000 courses and generated $2,000,000+ in revenue in 31 days (it was a best month in company history)
  • What did I say on this YouTube ad that took 20 minutes to film and generated an additional $142,136 in recurring revenue? No need to wonder, we're going to send it to you.
  • You know how people say it's impossible to sell something "high ticket" to cold traffic? They're probably not that good at making ads because this one killed it. 
4. Billy Gene's 5 Most Geneius Emails
Here's the deal... email is not dead, it f*cking works.
  • "The High Ticket Conversation Starter". If you're selling something expensive, use this email and change some words. This very well may be the most profitable email you ever send because it cost you $1 and gets big spenders on the phone, ready to buy.
  • "If They Say No, Say This...". Here's the deal, most people who see your offer don't buy, and when they don't buy send them this. Thank me later (obviously change the words to match your own sh*t).
  • "The Dear Mama Email". It tugs at the heart strings. It works for any holiday. But most importantly it generates sales like a Mofo.
  • "The Road Map". If you're trying to sell any kind of event, this email is plug and play and it's fricken fire.
  • "The Clicker". Nothing creates more urgency than this little tool that we place in a whole bunch of our emails.